Welcome Adults!
At Zion our goal is to create environments and experiences where you can encounter God in the midst of your life. We hope you have felt welcomed by our amazing community of people and are ready to deepen your connection with others while growing your faith in Christ.
For adults, we offer several opportunities throughout the week to join in fellowship and study, so that you may be reminded that God’s grace is here!
We have several opportunities for you to be a part of our Missional Communities, we would love to have you.
All are welcome
 Please come and join us!
M O N D A Y   A T   1 0 : 0 0  A M 

Women’s Monday Morning Bible Study 

The Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study is a group that has been meeting to study God’s Word, pray together, fellowship together, and help with small projects in our church community. We’ve studied books of the Bible, read Christian books on various topics, and utilize RightNow Media quite often.
Our group is open to any women of any age.
We’ve been a multigenerational group benefiting from the life experiences of all ages. On average our group ranges from 8-12 in attendance. We welcome any women who would like to join us.
Our goal? To grow closer to our God and to learn what He would have us do for the glory of His Name and to be more like Jesus!
We are meeting at 10:00 a.m. at Zion, unless
otherwise communicated.


Contact: Laura Mikow
T U E S D A Y   E V E N I N G    6:45pm

Men’s Tuesday Evening Bible Study

We meet every Tuesday night at 6:45pm; unless stated otherwise of a cancelled study.
The Tuesday Night Men’s Bible Study formed as a Missional Community group to study God’s Word & offer  small project assistance to our church community, as well as the area around Zion Lutheran. 

We have used resources such as individual Books of the Bible, as well as RightNow Media studies to follow prepared studies on various Christian topics. 

Our group currently ranges in size between 8-10 men, but we are always looking for additional men to share in this uplifting experience!


Contact: Paul Tomes  or  Rick Gady
T U E S D A Y   A T   7:30 – 9:00  P M

Women’s Tuesday Evening Bible Study

All women are invited to join the group. We are currently meeting in person at Zion at 7:150-8:45 p.m., every other Tuesday.
If you’d like to join, contact Marla or Elizabeth to receive an invite.
S U N D A Y ‘S   AT   9:45 – 10:45  A M

Young(er) Adults Bible Study

All Parents of “younger” children are welcome to join us! Whether you have small children (babies or toddlers), or you have older children and or Teenagers, we feel as Parents we can all face similar issues. 
Our study topics vary. From studying along with what our children are learning in Bible School, to supportive parenting topics and or parenting skills to help us all realize, we are a ‘community’ and not alone.
We meet in person at Zion at on Sundays after Traditional Service, from 9:45-10:45 a.m..
Check the Weekly Announcement page to find out if we are on break or not!