For parents with young children,
our nursery is located in the lower level.
It offers a quiet space, small bathroom,
changing table and plenty of toys.
It is our goal to provide a safe, nurturing Christian environment for young children while parents
attend service or Bible study, before the child is ready
to sit in service or attend Sunday School.
Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Ages of Children: Birth – 3 years of age.
Nursery Coordinator: Carolyn Remmele
We staff our nursery professionally by an accredited
service, when available.
There are (2) Signs to allow parents to know if staffing
is “in” that day or “out”. They are Located outside of either Worship Area, as well as outside of the Nursery Door itself.
If staffing is “out” on any Sunday, you are responsible for
staying with your child in the Nursery.
Our Nursery Coordinator, Carolyn Remmele, oversees the Zion Nursery to ensure a safe, nurturing Christian environment for young children while parents attend service or Bible study.
Carolyn lives in Anderson Township with her husband, Marshall, and their three children.

Kids & Parents
Here at Zion we believe children are a blessing.
We want children and families to feel God’s love
and have opportunities to grow in their faith.
Weekly Sunday School, monthly Family Activities,
and other of events are offered to enrich the life
of children and their families. Our hope is that through
these ministries children will build a firm foundation of
faith, while also building relationships with peers,
parents and Christian leaders within the church.
and other of events are offered to enrich the life
of children and their families. Our hope is that through
these ministries children will build a firm foundation of
faith, while also building relationships with peers,
parents and Christian leaders within the church.
S U N D A Y S C H O O L : C U R R E N T B I B L E S T U D Y
If you would like more information on Christian Education, please feel free to contact Chris Graves.
Contact: Chris Graves