S U N D A Y    A T   8 : 3 0  A. M.  

Classic Worship 

Each of our worship services follows the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod liturgy. The Classic Worship service consists of a welcome greeting, prayer, singing of hymns, accompanied by the pipe organ and often sang by our choir, Bible readings, a sermon, statement of confession, such as the Nicene Creed and a departing  blessing. 
Communion is offered on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. 
S U N D A Y    A T   1 1 : 0 0  A. M. 

Contemporary Worship 

Each of our worship services follows the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod liturgy. Though it follows a similar pattern, our Contemporary Worship is more relaxed, taking place in our Mulit-Ministry Center (MMC). Worship at this service consists of a welcome greeting, prayer, singing of contemporary worship songs, led by our Praise Team, Bible readings, a sermon, statement of confession, such as the Nicene Creed and a departing  blessing. 
Communion is offered on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.
W O R S H I P  F O L D E R S
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Live on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.


Service Archives

Z I O N     L U T H E R A N     M E D I A

Recent Sermons

December 2022

BBIUT -Advent 4- Bringing Power – Exodus:15.1-18 12/18/22

Be Born In Us Today -Advent 4- Bringing Power – Exodus:15.1-18 12/18/22

BBIUT -Advent 3- Bringing Guidance – Psalm: 31.1-5 12/11/22

Be Born In Us Today -Advent 3- Bringing Guidance – Psalm: 31.1-5 12/11/22

November 2022

Week 4: Stewardship of a Given Status – Colossians: 1.13-20 11/20/22

Week 4: Stewardship of a Given Status – Colossians: 1.13-20 11/20/22

Week 3: Stewardship of a Genuine Quietness -2 Thessalonians:3.1-13 11/3/22

Week 3: Stewardship of a Genuine Quietness -2 Thessalonians:3.1-13 11/3/22

October 2022

One Another -3- Admonish One Another – Psalms: 81 10/23/22

One Another -3- Admonish One Another – Psalms: 81 10/23/22

One Another -2- Bear One Another’s Burdens – Galatians 6:1-10 10.16.22

One Another -2- Bear One Another’s Burdens – Galatians 6:1-10 10.16.22

One Another -1- Encourage One Another – Hebrews 10:11-25 10.9.22

One Another -1- Encourage One Another – Hebrews 10:11-25 10.9.22

Everyday Theology -4- Aging with Purpose and Redemption – Romans 8:18-27 10.2.22

Everyday Theology -4- Aging with Purpose and Redemption – Romans 8:18-27 10.2.22

September 2022

Everyday Theology -3- Everyday Theology at Work -Colossians 3: 12-17 9/25/22

Everyday Theology -3- Everyday Theology at Work -Colossians 3: 12-17 9/25/22

Everyday Theology -2- Strength for the Day Ahead-Ephesians-3:14-21 9.18.22

Everyday Theology- 2- Strength for the Day Ahead-Ephesians-3:14-21 9.18.22